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Selasa, 10 April 2012


Iblis Terpaksa Bertamu Kepada Rasulullah SAW (dari Muadz bin Jabal dari Ibn Abbas) Ketika kami sedang bersama Rasulullah SAW di kediaman seorang sahabat Anshar, tiba - tiba terdengar panggilan seseorang dari luar rumah: "Wahai penghuni rumah, bolehkah aku masuk..? Sebab kalian akan membutuhkanku. " Rasulullah bersabda:"Tahukah kalian siapa yang memanggil?" Kami menjawab: "Allah dan rasulNya yang...

In One Minute

What an you do in one minute of your life? 1.. In one minute you can say "Surat Al Fatiha" 7 times,silently and repetitively. The reward for each reading of the Surah: 1420 gooddeeds! This is on the basis that there are 142 letters in the Surah, with each letter getting you 10 good deeds. So after doing a simple calculation,7 readings will get you 9940 deeds. Subhaanallah! 2.. In one minute you can say "Surat Al-Ikhlaas" (Kul...

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