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Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Cute Baby Sleeping

Shh Cute Babies are sleeping here....

Terapi Pernafasan Untuk Sakit Kepala & Keletihan (Breathing Theraphy For Headache & Tiredness)

Kita memiliki hidung berlubang disebelah kiri dan disebelah kanan. Apakah fungsinya sama untuk menarik dan membuang nafas ? (Our noses have left and right nostrils. Are these nostrils having the same function for inhaling/"breathe- in" and exhaling/"breathe- out"?). Sebenarnya fungsinya tidak sama dan dapat kita rasakan bezanya, sebelah kanan mewakili matahari (mengeluarkan panas ) dan sebelah kiri mewakili bulan (mengeluarkan dingin ). ( Actually...

Nature of The Prophet's(SAWS) Diet Breakfast

  Benefits:. Milk contains vitamins and minerals that fruits have.. Pressed Dates help the liver resist toxic elements using the anti-toxic or antibiotics that the dates contains. . Pressed dates help the body get rid of the harmful chemical elements that the body has to deal with, like the lead that a high rate of it in the body can cause renal failure.   ...

Jalan Kaki Jinakkan 9 Penyakit

KAJIAN dalam beberapa tahun terakhir semakin mengukuhkan bahwa berjalan tergopoh-gopoh dan bukan jalan santai memang memberi banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan kita. Inilah sembilan manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari aktivitas jalan kaki (1) Serangan Jantung. Pertama-tama tentu menekan risiko serangan jantung. Kita tahu otot jantung membutuhkan aliran darah lebih deras (dari pembuluh koroner yang memberinya makan) agar bugar dan berfungsi normal memompakan darah tanpa henti. Untuk itu, otot jantung membutuhkan aliran darah yang lebih deras dan...

Alloh is with u always! with u always! when u are blessed, HE is Al-Rehman. when u are hungry, HE is Al-Razzaq. when u are honoured, HE is Al-Moiz. when u are weak, HE is Al-Moqeet.   when u pray, HE is Al-Mujeeb. when u need a friend, HE is Al-Wali. when u are detracked, HE is Al-Hadi. when u are gifted, HE is Al-Kareem. When u are forgiven, HE is Al-Ghafoor. when u are in darkness of hopelessness, HE is Al-Noor. if u are...

The Holy Prophet (SAW) Said

  1) Four things that make your body sick:  a) Excessive talking b) Excessive sleeping c) Excessive eating and d) Excessive meeting other people 2) Four things that destroys the body:  a) Worrying b) Sorrow (Sadness/Grief) c) Hunger d) Sleeping late in the night 3) Four things that dry the face & take away its happiness:  a) Lying b) Being disrespectful / impudent (insisting on something wrong knowingly) c) Arguing without adequate knowledge & Information. d) Excessive immorality (doing something...

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